Visual Arts

Welcome to the CHS Visual Arts Program!

The Visual Arts program at Channelview High School is structured to enable students to gain insights into artworks and artistic techniques through a hands-on, discipline-based learning approach. Through these classes, students cultivate creative aptitude, problem-solving capabilities, and critical thinking skills, fostering an appreciation for various forms of visual arts, regardless of their artistic ability.

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Art 1

Students have an incredible opportunity to take classes with specialized disciplines within our program. These classes may be taken after a student has successfully passed the intro-level Art 1 course.

Both Anthony Aguirre and Alice Johnson Junior Highs offer the high school Art 1 credit course in 8th grade, allowing students to begin their specialized discipline pathway their freshman year of high school.

Delilah and Cake

Specialized Discipline Pathways

After a student has fulfilled the prerequisite Art 1 requirement, they may choose from the following courses: Drawing II-IV, Painting II-IV, Ceramics II-IV, Sculpture II-IV, and Digital Art & Media II-III. They also have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement courses (AP Art & Design: 2D, Drawing, & 3D Portfolios) as Juniors and Seniors.

Visual Arts Staff

Ashley Defrancis

Art I, Drawing II, Painting II

Teacher Website

Mary Edwards Start

Art 1, Painting II - IV

Teacher Website

Kimberly Hilligoss

Art 1, Drawing II - IV, Ceramics II, AP Art & Design: Drawing

Teacher Website

Lauren Jordano

Art 1 & Drawing II

Teacher Website

Carol Locke

Art I, Drawing II

Teacher Website

Alyssa Ramirez

Art 1, Drawing II, Digital Art & Media II - III, AP Art & Design: 2D

Teacher Website

Charlotte Tarbell

Art 1, Ceramics II - IV, AP Art & Design: 3D

Teacher Website

Mark Williamson

Art 1, Sculpture II - IV

Teacher Website

Student Artwork