CHS Library
About Us
Welcome to the Channelview High School Library. Our inventory includes 25,000 books, over 600 videos, 200 DVD's, 50+ magazine subscriptions, 60 networked computer work stations and 30 laptops for students’ in-house use. The library is open Monday thru Friday from 6:30 am until 3 pm. Students are welcome before and after school, during their lunch periods, as well as during the day with a pass from the teacher. The library can also accommodate two classes at one time. Teachers may send a maximum of 5 students at a time, each with their own pass. Destiny, our library management system, is the best way to search for books, periodicals and websites. The books are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System. All books, except reference, circulate for a period of two weeks and may be renewed twice. Overdue books are fined .05 per day.
Library Mission Statement
In preparing our students for the information society of the 21st century, our mission at the Channelview High School Library is:
To provide a learning environment that empowers both students and staff to be effective users of resources, information and ideas;
To encourage students to be life-long learners within the world community;
To challenge minds, thoughts and ideas and to foster an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for intellectual freedom; to act as a catalyst for academic instruction
A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas—a place where history comes to life. Norman Cousins
Norman Cousins Â