Welcome to my page! This is my 10th year in education! I taught 5th grade ELAR for 6 years, 4th grade ELAR for one year here at McMullan. I'm currently the Reading Student Support Teacher. I also get the opportunity to be the GT Teacher, I'm pretty excited about this
On top of supporting our amazing scholars, I have the privilege of working with the parents of our scholars through PTO and the Mustang Volunteer Program.
I grew up in Channelview, and I'm a product of Channelview ISD...Go Falcons!!! I attended Texas Woman's University where I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Health Studies. I attended Lamar University for my Master's Degree in Educational Administration. I enjoy spending time with my SONshine, watching movies, and making a difference in my community and in the lives of others.
Terica Hammond
Reading Student Support Teacher/GT Teacher
Phone: (281)452-1154
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. in Health Studies
EC-6th Generalist
M.Ed. Education Administration
EC-12 Principal Certification