The Channelview ISD 2019 Bond includes the replacement of Cobb and Schocler Elementary Schools. Learn about the needs for this campus here.

Existing Cobb Campus:
Was built in 1961
Undersized for today’s student population needs
Does not meet current TEA standards and codes
Existing Schochler Campus:
Was built in 1973
Undersized for today’s student population needs
Does not meet current TEA standards and codes
Replacement School:
Existing Schochler Campus:
To be built across from Channelview High School
Will combine both elementary schools and accommodate 1,100 students, serving grades K-5
Campus security to include controlled entrances and security cameras
Can support modern learning environment and technology
Includes improved parking, drives, and play areas
Check out this video to take a closer look into these Elementary Schools and hear directly from the principals: