
A coffee mug and a wooden pen sit near a note that reads- persevere

January's Character trait is Perseverance, or the ability to keep trying and not give up. During January we will be looking at ways to foster perseverance in our students. This month, discuss with your child, times when you had to keep trying in order to succeed.

- Character Trait of the Month

November Student of the Month, Tyris Dancy, stands with his teacher Ms Philemon and the school counselor, Ms Baker

Congratulations to Tyris Dancy, our November/December student of the month. Tyris is one of our exemplary 5th graders at Hamblen Elementary.

- Student of the Month

4th grade teachers from Hamblen Elementary  assemble in the hall for a team photo

Congratulations to the January Team of the Month, 4th Grade! In the back row: G. Hernandez, S. Slusher, C. Grant, and V. Peña. In the front row: M Hernandez, E Hernandez, Y. Vega, C Gonzalez, and J Henry.

- January's Team of the Month