The 5th Grade Team (from left to right)
Back Row: Ms. Diliegros, Mr. Ramirez, Ms. Philemon, Mr. Roman
Front Row: Ms. Portillo, Ms. Cruz, Mr. Rios
Fifth Grade
Contact Information
We are always glad to hear from concerned parents who are actively involved in their child's education. Here are some ways you can contact us:
Call the school-- at 281-457-8720 Ask for your child's classroom teacher. If possible, we will pick up- otherwise- please leave a message.
Schedule a conference--
Fifth Grade conference time is from 10:10-10:55 (but leave time for your child's teacher to drop off and pick up the students from groups)
In order to assure that you have time to meet and talk with your child's teacher please call and arrange the conference in advance. We would hate to miss you because we had a prior meeting or conference. Thanks for your understanding.
Email us-- We are always glad to hear from you.
Contact us through SCHOOL STATUS--- if we text or call you , you can use that number to call or text us back, through the power of School Status